Corn, Cultivated Allergy Test
- Secure and Confidential Results
- Over 4,500 CLIA-Certified Labs U.S. Labs
- Most Results in 1-3 Days
- 110% Price Guarantee
About Our Corn, Cultivated Allergy Test
Unlike traditional allergy tests that introduce possible triggers into a patient’s bloodstream to measure allergic reactions, allergy tests use a blood sample to determine the allergen status of substances. A simple blood draw, as opposed to the old school skin prick method, allows for virtually painless testing with fast, accurate results. Tests are administered at any of our 2,000+ nationwide locations, typically in 10 minutes or less. We have eliminated the appointments, paperwork, and waiting. Results are received within 1 to 3 business days.
An allergic reaction is an extreme bodily response to substances that are typically harmless. When the body considers a substance to be a threat, unique antibodies are produced to fight that specific allergen. Those unique antibody levels can be measured to pinpoint exact allergies, improving your quality of life, nutrition, and health.
This test checks for the Cultivated Corn Grass allergen.